Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the future of HR

At ACA Group, we recognize the hurdles you encounter in HR Management. The challenge isn't just managing a vast array of information, it's also finding the right answers quickly and efficient. 

AI and LLMs cut through the clutter, providing on-demand, precise solutions to your most pressing HR queries, from policy details to employee guidelines. 

HR meets AI


As HR operations evolve, Conversational AI platforms like chatbots are taking center stage. Gartner forecasts that chatbots and other Conversational AI platforms will manage 75% of HR inquiries, revolutionizing processes and elevating the employee experience.


Alexander Frimout - AI Expert 


AI HR Training

Discover how integrating AI and tools like ChatGPT can transform your HR operations, making them more efficient and insightful. Take ownership of what happens with your data and get an overview of the legal applications. Learn what to expect of your HR journey in Artificial Intelligence.



The world of AI in HR 

Dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence in HR and discover how it's reshaping the landscape of talent management, recruitment, and employee engagement. The future of HR is here to stay. 



AI Reading Material

Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding or find inspiration, our carefully curated content is your gateway to the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence. 


AI-driven HR: Instant, Insightful, strategic

Staying ahead means embracing innovation and our AI-guided strategies and solutions ensure your HR practices are not just efficient but also future-ready. 

Try our interactive AI demo 

chatbot llm hr

Interactive AI Demo 

Let AI do the talking 

We invite you to experience the future of HR automation firsthand. With our interactive demo, you can upload your own pdf and engage with an LLM to ask pertinent questions.

This hands-on experience will showcase the practical applications of LLMs in streamlining tasks, saving time, and improving decision-making processes. Consider uploading your employee policy and asking the chatbot questions specific to your company!

  • Upload your own PDF
  • Engage with the LLM
  • Experience firsthand efficiency


ACA has been a reliable partner for many years. Their clear working method and their open communication are the main reasons for our good cooperation. The “museum pass” project was delivered on time and within the planned budget. We had a very successful product launch and see the result of their customer-centric approach and innovative mindset.
Bart Temmerman
Bart Temmerman
Department Head of Culture, Youth, and Media / Flemish Government

At ACA Group, we believe that LLM AI and HR are the ultimate power couple. They're like the dynamic duo of HR management – LLM tackles the data, while HR professionals bring the heart. Together, they're unstoppable, turning HR challenges into opportunities, one question at a time!.


Stijn Van den Enden - CIO ACA Group
lili app - inclusive mobility


Amai! Flanders selects ACA Group's AI application for people with visual impairments

The LiLi app (inclusive mobility) by ACA Group was selected by Amai!, an initiative of the Flemish government, and chosen by the public as 1 of the 5 projects of the year to commence in 2024. The LiLi-app was selected for the category: mobility.  



LangChain: A revolution in Conversational AI

The world of chatbots and Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently undergone a spectacular evolution. With ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, being one of the most notable examples, the technology has managed to reach over 1.000.000 users in just five days. 

Empowering your business

In-House Expertise

Within the ACA Group, we're at the forefront of harnessing AI to drive business transformation. 

Drawing upon our in-house AI expertise and Agile methodology, we deliver rapid, cost-effective, and flexible AI solutions. Our distinctive project approach ensures the seamless evolution of your outdated systems into cutting-edge, AI-driven solutions, ensuring uninterrupted business excellence.

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Embrace the power of AI

Let's grab a digital coffee

Alexander Frimout
Alexander Frimout
AI Expert, ACA Group
Meet Alexander, our Lead AI Innovation with a wealth of experience in the field. With over 500 connections and a premium account status, he is a prominent figure in the AI and innovation landscape. Alexander's journey at ACA Group continues to drive innovation and excellence in the industry.